Air temperature
In the first decade of the month, abnormal heat with decade-averaged temperatures 4-10° higher than normal prevailed almost everywhere in Siberia, repeatedly setting new daily temperature maxima in the Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Kemerovo Regions in Western Siberia, and surpassing old November maxima by more than +10° in a number of locations. At the end of the decade, the heat returned to the south of Primorye, accompanied by record-breaking temperatures as well. But in the rest of Russia, the average temperatures were about normal, except for the coastal regions of the Russian North where they were 2° lower than usual, and for the north-east of the country where the anomalies reached -2…-4°.
In the second decade, Atlantic warmth came to the ETR and set new daily temperature maxima in the Non-Black Earth region. Warm weather persisted in Siberia and advanced further eastward as far as to the Sea of Okhotsk, binging new temperature highs to Trans-Baikal. This decade, the weather colder than usual was only observed on the Arctic coast, from Yamal to Chukotka: there, the decade-averaged temperature anomalies were -2…-6°.
In the third decade, unprecedented warmth covered almost all of Russia: new temperature maxima were recorded in the midland part, in the Russian North, in the Urals, in the Amur River Region and in Kolyma. The decade-averaged temperature anomalies exceeded 6-12°.
In terms of the monthly averages, the weather all over Russia except for Kamchatka was noticeably warmer than usual, the anomalies exceeding 2-8° or more degrees. This November was the third warmest after the ones in 2020 and 2013 according to the meteorological chronicle of Russia recorded since 1891; it was also the third warmest in the Asian Territory of Russia (ATR), and was among the top five warmest in the Russian North, in the Urals and in Siberia.
November closed the calendar autumn which became the third warmest in the history of Russia after the ones in 2020 and in 2023 – the all-time warmest (mostly due to the exceptionally warm September) in the ETR as well as in the Central and North-West federal districts, and the third warmest in the Urals, in Siberia and in the ATR.
Nowhere in the country was the average temperature subnormal in autumn: it was above-normal everywhere instead, by 1-3° above in the ETR, by 1-4°, in the Urals and in Siberia, and by 1-2 or more degrees in the Far East.
In East Asia, this November was extremely warm: all around, its monthly-averaged temperatures were higher than normal, for example, by two or more degrees higher in the north and east of China, in Mongolia and on the Korean Peninsula. In China, this November was the warmest in the history of regular meteorological observations.
The air temperatures in South-East Asia and on the Hindustan Peninsula were close to normal; the values of 2-4 or more degrees higher than normal were only observed in the north of India where the record-breaking monthly average measured in 1979 was reproduced.
The weather in the Middle East was very warm; there, the monthly-averaged temperature anomalies were +2…4° or higher; they were close to +2…3° or more in Central Asia where new air temperature maxima including the monthly ones were set in a number of locations.
The temperature in North Africa was close to normal with the exception of the north-eastern areas (in Morocco and Algeria) were the weather was noticeably warmer than usual, and the anomalies reached +2° or more.
In Europe, the temperature background was also close to normal on the average, somewhat colder in the east of the continent and somewhat warmer in the south-west. The air temperature in Scandinavia (in Norway and Sweden) and in Iceland rose to unprecedented levels on occasional days, reaching +10° or more.
A place where the weather was really warm in November was North America: the monthly-averaged air temperature all the way from the Arctic regions of Canada to the Gulf of Mexico was 2-6 or more degrees higher than normal. In Canada, this November was the second warmest in the history of meteorological observations, yielding to even warmer November 2016 only.
Owing to the warmth that came to the northern parts of Russia, Canada and Scandinavia in November 2024, the average temperature in the Arctic turned out to be the third highest in the ranking list after November 2020 and 2016.
As for the entire Northern Hemisphere, the average air temperature in November reproduced its unprecedented value measured a year before (to an accuracy of 0.1°C).
There, autumn as a whole was also extremely warm, regaining the last year's high (to an accuracy of 0.1°C). In Canada, in the USA, as well as in China and India, this autumn was the warmest in history. The autumn temperature averages were above-normal everywhere except for North Africa, Alaska and a number of water bodies of the World Ocean, by 1-6° above on the North American continent, by 1-3° in Eurasia, and by 1° or more in the north of Africa.
In Moscow, this autumn was the warmest in the meteorological annals of the capital. Its average temperature was 0.4° higher than the previous maximum set in 2020. The average temperature in November was 1.7°, with an anomaly of 2.2°.
Sea Surface Temperature
The monthly-averaged SST of the Pacific Ocean in the Northern Hemisphere was rated as the second maximum after the unsurpassed value a year before. The SST at the tropical and temperate latitudes was 1-3° higher than normal. The highest positive anomalies were recorded in the western part of the ocean off the Pacific coast of Japan, as well as in the Sea of Japan and in the East China Sea. North of the temperate latitudes, the SST was close to normal, against the background of negative anomalies in some places (e.g. in the Sea of Okhotsk and in the Bering Sea). At the equatorial latitudes of the Ocean, the neutral phase of the Southern Oscillation was active still.
The average SST of the Atlantic Ocean in the Northern Hemisphere reached its minimum again thereby reproducing the record-breaking high set in November last year. SST anomalies over almost the entire surface of the Ocean were positive yet smaller than in the previous years. The water in the marginal seas of Europe was very warm: one or more degrees warmer than normal everywhere, and two or more degrees warmer, in the central part of the Mediterranean Sea. The SST in the Arctic was 1-3° higher than normal at the interface with the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean, i.e., in the Barents and Kara Seas.
With the exception of the north-eastern region, almost all Russia received a lot of atmospheric moisture. The monthly precipitation totals in the ETR were normal or above-normal virtually everywhere, and in certain constituent entities of the Federation, the normal values were exceeded by 1.5 or more times. A huge amount of precipitation was allotted to the north-west and the Cis-Urals. New daily precipitation maxima were recorded, amounting up to 15 mm in some places. In the third decade, heavy rains with snow fell in Central Russia and in the Volga region, setting new maxima of precipitation totals again: up to 20-35 mm per day in places. At times, the height of snow cover reached 20 cm.
Precipitation in the Urals was normal, while its amounts in Siberia were subnormal in the south only (in the Republic of Khakassia, in Tyva and in the Irkutsk Region) and normal elsewhere. As already mentioned, the shortage of precipitation was observed in the north-east of the country (e.g., in the Magadan Region and in the Chukotka Autonomous District). On the contrary, the precipitation amounts were sufficient or more than that in the south of the Far East, exceeding twice the normal figure in the Amur Region and the Jewish Autonomous District. Heavy snowfalls at the end of the month hit the southern regions of the Far East where up to 60 mm of atmospheric moisture would fall in a couple of days in some places to exceed both the daily and monthly maxima of precipitation totals and the maximum height of snow cover.
In China, most precipitation was granted to the western regions of the country, e.g., normal monthly quantities in the provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan were exceeded by 2-3 times. At the same time, the weather in the east was generally dry. In Japan and in the Korean Peninsula, precipitation was about normal. At the end of the month, the snowfall heaviest in the last hundred years fell in Seoul, bringing up to 17 cm of snow per day.
The weather in most of South-East Asia was dry; there, normal precipitation figures were only reached at some locations in Myanmar and Thailand. In the last decade of the month, rains caused floods that deluged the southern regions of Thailand, including the famous Pattaya. Local weather experts called these rains as the heaviest in the last thirty years. Floods triggered by torrential rains and those that occurred at the end of the month took place in Malaysia, and on the Island of Sumatra in Indonesia.
In India, rain fell in the south of the country only, whereas in the north, and in neighbouring Pakistan alike, almost no rains were observed.
The weather in the Near and Middle East was dry save for the countries of Transcaucasia and for eastern Turkey where the monthly precipitation totals reached their normal values.
In most of Central Asia, these totals were close to or higher than normal; the subnormal amounts were recorded in some places of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan only.
The weather in North Africa was dry.
Precipitation in most of Europe was lacking; its normal amount was recorded in the north of the continent and in the south-eastern countries. Nevertheless, heavy rains did fall from time to time. At the beginning of the month, they inundated Spain one more time, now targeting Catalonia in the north-east of the country and bringing up to 100 mm of atmospheric moisture for a couple of days in places. And in the middle of the month, they returned to the south of the country again, causing floods in Andalusia. At the same time, heavy rains hit Sicily and resulted in a flooding that was recognised as the most severe in several dozen years. In Scotland and in the north of England, snowfalls were so intense that the height of the freshly fallen snow reached 20-30 cm, and in Switzerland, snow banks grew even higher, up to 40 cm. This was the record-breaking level of snow cover for the end of November.
A lot of atmospheric moisture was awarded to USA where the normal precipitation amounts were either reached or exceeded, by up to 2-3 times in the centre of the country. In some places around the Great Lakes in the US and in Canada, banks of the freshly fallen snow were a metre high. Yet, the weather in most of Canada was dry, and the drought reported there for a long time starting in summer in a number of regions, still continued. In the north of South America, the rainy season was in place, and for this reason, the rivers overflowed their banks in Columbia, causing floods.
In Moscow, 79 mm of precipitation fell this month, amounting to 1.5 times the normal figure.